Movin'On History
The world summit on sustainable Mobility ! “The Davos of mobility” for Le Figaro, and “It was SXSW meets CES meets NAIAS, but with a French flair and cutting-edge staging and production” for Forbes.
In 1998, executives at Michelin made the decision to host an event that would showcase technological research into "clean vehicles" and allow them to be assessed in real operating conditions. "Bibendum" is the name used in France for the iconic figure known in English language countries simply as "The Michelin Man".
In June 2017, Michelin Challenge Bibendum became Movin'On. The first edition held was in Montreal in 2017. Movin'On federates the worlds of mobility and innovation, public authorities and NGOs.
Find here Movin'on History, 2014 Challenge Bibendum Green Paper on Sustainable Mobility and Movin'On Minutes for 2017 Edition !
Today, the ambition of Movin'on of is to engage each and every mobility stakeholder to ACT in a sustainable way, by collaborating on a large scale, by connecting and by sharing.
Why a Wiki ?
It’s the most efficient and effective platform to engage everyone, to share information and accelerate !
- Get things done, together,
- Everyone and anyone can contribute, just create an account,
- Capture knowledge for everyone
- Make it accesible for all
Working Sessions
This wiki presents the 45 working sessions, the summary and the minutes. Anyone interested can create an account on this wiki, join one session and participate.
Read the Wiki User Manual.
This wiki used modules developped and implemented by FabMob.
What can you do ?
You want to be part of the solution, acting to tackle worldwide mobility issues !
You can start by creating your account on this wiki, then connect to the Working Sessions (WS) Reports.
Based on your skills and interets you can contact the leader of the WS and take part of the Action !